Visual identity   ・   UX/UI   ・   Website   ・   Event branding
Brand identity   ・   UX/UI   ・   Website
Branding the first ever LGBTQ+ tech & biz summit in the Middle East
LGBTQ+ professionals have contributed some of the best and brightest ideas to tech and biz. But too often, workplace allyship starts and ends with cupcakes and rainbow logos in pride month.

We, as queer people, knew we had to do more, especially as things heat up politically in 2023 and our inclusion is put at risk.

So when our friends at LGBTech asked us to creatively direct their tech and business summit for LGBTQ+ professionals and allies, we jumped at the opportunity to make an impact.
We branded the summit insight out, top to bottom, digital to physical.

Our concept for the event was “Pride & Beyond” – pride must extend beyond June, and beyond our community, to include allies who can fight alongside us.

Based on this concept, we created a logo and hero that bursts outward and expands beyond its limits. It features color and uniqueness that matches the creative, critical ideas our community brings to tech and biz.